We believe the process of realizing one’s potential is not
a solitary journey. It is through connection to ourselves, others
and the world around us that we bloom the brightest and grow the
Enjoy our growing list of extraordinary individuals and organizations that are inspiring growth and positive
change in unique ways. We welcome your submissions in
helping to create this robust and empowering resource.
Please send submissions to: info@bloomandgrow.com.
By sending information, you grant Bloom & Grow permission to post your submission in accordance with our standards and practices. No one under 18 should submit material.
Featuring apps that help kids stay safe and thrive
One Laptop Per Child A $100 laptop for the world's children's education
Room to Read® World change starts with educated children®
Heart Gallery Capturing smiles on film touches hearts and finds homes
No Child Left Inside® Put an end to "Nature Deficit Disorder"
Cambodian Children's Fund Giving a future to children in need
Yard Care Gurus Ultimate Beginners Guide To Gardening With Kids
Junior Master Gardener® Unique international youth gardening program
Facing History and Ourselves Linking the past to moral choices today
Tom's Shoes For every pair purchased, a pair is given to a child in need
KaBoom!® Community playspaces that change a child's world
A Sense of Home Creating first ever homes for "aged out" foster youth
for Home Gardeners Guide for beginning home gardeners
Flowers, plants and gardening for kids
SodGod DIY beginner's guide to gardening and landscaping
Little Kids Rock® Bringing free music education to public school children
The SEED Foundation Educational opportunities for underserved children
Care2 eCards Donate to worthwhile charities by sending FREE eCards
New York Restoration Project Bette Midler's "clean and green" foundation
Edible Schoolyard Project Connecting educators around the world
Changing the Present™ Changing the world, one gift at a time
Identify that Tree Learn to identify trees through bark, leaves and fruit
University of Illinois Extension Vegetable Gardening Basics
Healthy Child Healthy World Creating healthy environments for children
Girls for a Change Empowers teen girls to create and lead social change
Family Home Gardening Guide Connecting through home gardening
Doing Good Together™ Pick a big-hearted project and make a difference
Your Own Food Guide An awesome backyard money saver
Container Gardening A fantastic comprehensive guide
Gardeining Grandma Gardening resources and creative ideas
The Gentle Barn Rescued animals serve as healers and heroes for kids
A Beginner's Guide to Gardening 16 secret tricks uncovered
National Wildllife Federation Environmentally friendly garden for wildlife
Garden Improvements Great gardening ideas for kids
Natural Disaster Preparedness Be prepared with this handy safety guide
Guide for Beginners Identify simple starting points |
