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  awards and honors
Since 2002, Bloom & Grow has been creating award-winning stories, products and programming in the areas of education, publishing, entertainment, and interactive content development.

A Place to Grow, was specially selected for inclusion in the innovative evidence-based Learn, Grow, Eat & GO! (LGEG) curriculum project of the International Junior Master Gardener® Program. LGEG grows good kids through an interdisciplinary program combining academic achievement, gardening, nutrient-dense food experiences, physical activity, and school and family engagement.

Our award-winning classic, A Place to Grow, has sprouted into an interactive reading and learning app! Experience the exciting adventures and heartfelt journey of the book's beloved tiny seed on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch! This engaging book app features several reading modes, a recording feature, games, a fun video, and nature-oriented learn & draw lesson plans. Download the app in the App Store and enjoy it now!

The second book in Bob and Melinda Blanchard's best selling Live What You Love series called Changing Your Course: The Three-Step Guide to Getting the Life You Want features inspiring stories of individuals who stepped off the expected path in search of greater personal and professional fulfillment and includes the journey of Bloom & Grow's founder, Stephanie Bloom.

An extremely special invitation was extended by The Smithsonian Institute's Horticultural Division to Bloom & Grow Books and A Place to Grow. Author Stephanie Bloom read the award winning book as part of the museum's very first Garden Fest celebration for children and adults.

The Drummer Who Lost His Beat was featured in the story mode of Sony's best selling PlayStation series "NBA: The Life" for its universally inspiring and multicultural message. Released with superstar Kobe Bryant on the cover, the game followed the ongoing rivalry of two elite players and the struggles they must overcome to maintain their top status among the NBA's finest.

A Place to Grow received the prestigious Growing Good Kids - Excellence in Children's Literature Book Award. Written by Stephanie Bloom and illustrated by Kelly Murphy, it was distinguished as one of the top 40 children's books published in the last 100 years on plant, garden and ecology themes.

The Creativity Annual, a premier, international advertising and design showcase and competition, selected A Place to Grow as a winner in the book design category. Winning entries are published annually in a large format book distributed to over 100 countries. Hearst Books International/David E. Carter: 'Creativity Annual 33' ©2004.

In Fall 2003, www.placetogrow.com received an Omni Intermedia Award for outstanding children’s online presence. The whimsical yet sophisticated site features the book's original and charming illustrations by Kelly Murphy, kid-centric activities, and an e-commerce component.

The Mills Corporation partnered with Bloom & Grow to build licensed children’s play-to-learn areas based on A Place to Grow in their branded malls nationwide. Designed by the award-winning Kiku Obata & Company, these one-of-a-kind, activity zones combine whimsical soft-play with engaging multimedia programming.